What do you think about squash?
Squash is an interesting game like the tennis, but you can play it against another person, and between three walls with a racket. It looks easier than it is.
I’m sure I can learn how to play it and being good at it as an amateur, but not a professional, because I am sure the ball will move too fast for me and my knees will never allow me to do it like a professional.
I would not like to watch it because I’m sure that it would be boring for me.
Getting inspired
Yes both of them inspired me a lot, First you can never know what you are or not capable of doing without trying it first.
Second, in this life, even if you are poor or do not you have someone to lead you (like a good coach ), and you keep working hard and staying focused, in general you will succeed 80% or more.
I will inspire my children by being a good and loving father. . . I will give them the privilege to have a good mother (someone beautiful with a good character).
I will inspire my friends by being rich and owning my BMW company because I know how we all like it. I will also inspire others by talking English fluently.

Yes, I have never seen squash in real life except in the movies because this game is not as popular as football in the country where I come from. After watching this movie, I felt like I wanted to try this sport because it looks exciting, competitive, requires a lot of stamina, and most importantly, it involves quick reactions and the ability to anticipate the ball’s bounce.
• If you are not fast, you lose!
• If you cannot predict the ball’s direction, you lose!
• If you do not have stamina, you lose!
Watching squash is like riding a roller coaster because so much effort is required to keep up with the ball. There is a lot to say about squash. I hope to learn this sport one day because anything new to me is a challenge.
I got so much inspiration from this film. It made me reflect on how far I have come and the reason I keep going. In my life, my mother is my biggest inspiration because she worked so hard to make us who we are today. I never heard her speak negatively about our future. She was always energetic and positive in supporting my sister and me. She would always say, “Keep going until you get there.”
To be honest, it is not easy for me to be inspired because we need a very strong reason to feel inspired. I always tell my closest people to follow their dreams even when there are obstacles. If there is a will, there is a way and in other words – “Practice, practice until you get it.”

Dream big
Marisol was told to dream big. I believe it is good advice. You can only achieve significant progress if you set an ambitious goal. Dreaming big means having a target that is extremely difficult to achieve, yet achievable.
It is the same when the Wright brothers had a dream of flight – a goal that seemed unachievable at that stage. And they did achieve their big dream. Humankind had always dreamt about flying!
Today we can send spaceships to the nearest planets; and who knows, maybe one day the interstellar travels will be as common and simple as travels on jets? It may happen if we dream big.
Quotations from the coach
“I am looking for instinct.” That’s what a coach may say. When a coach is looking at the newcomers, none of them probably has good skills, but some of them may have the “abilities.” This is what the coach is looking for.
“Inside of you there is a jaguar.” Even if at first sight, a newcomer in any sport activity may look clumsy, he or she may have hidden talents inside. The goal of a good coach is to reveal and to develop these talents.
“You cannot teach the beast. It is either in you or it is not.” It is very similar to the first expression about having the instinct. You can develop the skills but you cannot change the person’s nature, the person’s character. Being or not being the best not only depends on the training, but also depends on what you have inside.
“This is life. You don’t always get another shot.” This means – think twice before making a decision. If the decision turns out to be wrong, you may not have a chance to correct what had happened. There is a song from a German band “Accept”, and there are the following words in this song: “What is done is done when the bullet left the gun.” I.e., you will not be able to make a thing “undone”, so think wisely.
“If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it.” Unlike real life, some bad decisions may be corrected if we are talking about a game. When you hit the ball with the racquet, it is like making a bet. If the opponent was able to hit the ball as well, it means that your decision was not entirely correct, so you need to fix it when the ball comes back to you.

Being uncomfortable at the party
When Marisol went to the party, she felt her uncomfortable because she was dressed not like other people. She came there alone. The environment was not the one she always was used to, and she didn’t know how to behave there.
In my opinion after a short time, she decided to be herself and not to be shy even when she met her mother’s employer. In my situation every time when I come to any place, I feel uncomfortable for another reason – I still can’t speak English.
How can I resolve that issue? I don’t have any choice! I’m starting to recall the suitable words and I always try to speak.
I learned about squash in ARNIC school. Earlier I didn’t hear anything about that kind of sport and it became something new for me. I found the Squash similar to tennis, but in this case, it looks like tennis, except it is folded in half and walls are added. I can’t say that I’m fan of any type of sport, but sometimes I like to watch sports to relax my mind and take a break from the terrible things that are happening around.

Like any other sport, squash requires willpower, hard work, patience and the desire to win. . . . I could watch squash sometimes.
Rayna was persistent, unpretentious, had a hard home life, agreed to very modest living conditions when she was at competitions (sleeping on the floor in the hotel) without any money, but the desire, passion and love for the sport, encouraged by the coach, went through all these trials. Without hard work, it is impossible to achieve impressive results.
Quotations from the coach:
“I’m looking for instinct.”
I think the coach meant primordial, natural, organic, something that sits inside gifted people.
“The ball always comes back.”
I think it is something like a boomerang, maybe I am wrong
“This is life, not always a second chance appears.”
It is like happiness which happens once in a lifetime. It is if you miss your chance, and then you will regret it all your life.

“Squash had a rhythm that matched my life.”
It is a nice expression because sometimes sports have similarities with life itself, especially when it’s about persevering, not giving up, trying hard, being focused and ready for what may rise.
At this point Reyna refers particularly to school since she doesn’t know if she will be able to take the next exam, because she doesn’t know if she will be in the country for that time, and because she doesn’t know “when the next check would come in.”
Day by day is like saying point by point.
Being uncomfortable at the mansion
This is a good point if we talk about relationships, possibilities and your place in the “tree”.
In most societies, I think, people belong to social groups, and this belonging has movement, it is not fixed. People can change from one situation or another for different causes, either up or down.
This scene in the movie made me think about how we figured or how we have created our self-image. This was clear when she was exposed to her mother’s job. The silence and her face denoted her discomfort. She felt that they should not know about it because it’s not a good thing to say. But, why? Well, this leads me to think about how we perceive ourselves, social classes and opportunities, and how the right relationships can help you in life.
Sometimes it is possible that people could see their possibilities within the limits of their own group. This limit sometimes can be their own perception or the fear of crossing that limit.
Of course, happily she crossed it.

Yes, I got inspired so much by this story. I believe that “my decision holds the power to shape my destiny,” and the jaguar showed me that anything is possible if you work hard for it. I find it incredible how this little woman could have chosen to live a normal life according to her environment, but inside her, she had a strong spirit that wants more than her actual life. Not everything had to be perfect, but she put everything into creating something bigger than herself. She took advantage of this opportunity and did amazing things, because maybe many others were on the same court, but only SHE kept trying.
For me, the best way to inspire others is by trying to do things that, with my natural abilities, I might not be able to do, also helping others find something special within themselves, and being intentional in the way I live my life.
Quotations from the coach:
I am looking for instinct. The teacher wants to find someone who really had the inner attitude to be a great player, not only a class participant.
Inside of you there is a jaguar. This means she has a competitive spirit; she is a strong woman who has the power to do anything she wants to do.
You cannot teach to the beast. It is either in you or it is not. For me, the coach was referring to the great players who are born with this power inside them. It’s not only about practice or developing a talent; it is more than that; it’s about being hungry to win!
This is life. You don’t always get another shot. In real life, opportunities aren’t always available for you, so you can’t waste time thinking “in the future maybe I can do it again.”
If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it. In squash you can win the game even if you make some mistakes because it is a game. Since the game is not over, you have a chance to change everything.

We often need the stories of others to inspire confidence and courage during tough times. Many people begin their journeys in difficult circumstances, such as financial crises or challenging upbringings, yet go on to achieve their dreams. The movie Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story exemplifies this. Despite being homeless at 15 and facing personal tragedy, Liz Murray persists, finishes high school, and is ultimately accepted to Harvard!
Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns. Just hang in there, keep doing what you love, and trust that everything will eventually fall into place.
Being uncomfortable at the mansion
She didn’t feel like she belonged in an environment so far away from her class and familiar surroundings. It hurt her pride and self-esteem.
I attempted to apply for a driver’s license in Los Angeles, just one month after moving to the United States. At the DMV, the staff member told me that my passport couldn’t be authenticated by their machine. At the time, I didn’t even know what the word “authenticated” meant. When I asked her to explain it or write it down, she flatly refused, saying, “I won’t write anything,” and told me to try another DMV.
I felt angry and wronged. I had waited in line for over an hour before 7 a.m., only to be treated rudely. Later, I researched the issue online and discovered that DMVs could verify passports manually if their machines did not recognize them. It was clear she simply didn’t want to put in the extra effort. I carefully read Google reviews to find a DMV office with better service. When I visited a different office, everything was resolved smoothly.

“Squash had a rhythm that matched my life…”
Life is full of difficulties and unpredictable things, and like a ball in squash, nobody knows what will happen in the next second.
Quotations from the coach:
“I am looking for instinct.” The coach wanted Marisol to trust her natural ability and react without thinking.
“Inside of you there is a jaguar.” The coach motivated Marisol that she has strength, speed, and courage.
“This is life. You don’t always get another shot.” Use your opportunities with the best efforts as you can.
“The ball always comes back, and when it does, just make a different decision.” In squash and in life, you will have second chances and learn from mistakes.
“If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it.” Even after a mistake or failure, there is always an opportunity to improve and become better.

Squash is an amazing sport, which requires concentration and physical effort. You have to analyze quickly and act fast to execute your next move. I think I can learn squash because I enjoy playing sports. It reminds me of tennis, which was a sport I liked to watch when I was younger and wanted to pursue in the future.
“Squash has a rhythm that matched my life.”
For me, it symbolizes how life works: you hit the ball against the wall, it comes back, and you have to hit it again, harder each time, finding new movements and methods to keep going. It’s just like life – life is not easy. You have to fight every day to achieve what you want. It serves as a reminder that you must keep trying, repeatedly, to reach your goals. Staying focused and determined is the key to success.

Previously, I didn’t know the game of squash. For me, this game is similar to tennis. The essence of the game is to hit the ball in such a way that the opponent cannot hit it back. I wouldn’t like to learn to play squash myself, and I wouldn’t like to watch the game either because I don’t like sports
“I am looking for instinct.”
I think the coach was looking for a person with an animal instinct. This is a person who does not pay attention to the experience and strength of the opponent, but is focused on his goal.

In my opinion, squash isn’t well known and popular in Russia. This story helped me to learn more about squash. I think I could learn this sport because I played badminton when I was a student and took part in a few competitions, and was successful and sometimes I won. Later, when I was older, I tried to learn tennis, but it wasn’t easy because this requires completely different hand movement. Such as in badminton the force of the blow and the speed of the shuttlecock mostly depend on the work of the hand. As for tennis the whole arm works as a monolith and this eliminates the possibility of injury because the tennis racket and the ball are heavier. Of course I would like to watch squash and maybe to try to play. Why not?
Dream Big
I got inspiration from this story and this film. Other country, other society, new friends, possibility to be not far from my son – all of this inspires me. To be inspired, means to be strong. All my life I like trips, art, sports and I inspire my children and grandchildren to do the same. Now I inspire my friends to learn the English language and to get a driver’s license (I got it !!).

“Squash had a rhythm that matched my life.”
Her life was unpredictable and chaotic, like her first attempts to play squash. Step by step her technique and skills in squash improved and her life became orderly like her life with a green card.
I can’t understand my feelings about this story, but I’m sure, that it not inspiration. It is common story about successful sportswomen from a poor country. For example, for the last few years we can observe a team of migrants in the Olympic Games.
In my childhood, I was inspired by Scarlett O’Hara. I dreamed of being like her – with strong character, with great confidence and with ability to make good business decisions.
When I was young I was inspired by dreams about money, owning apartments in Moscow and traveling.
Now, I think about a stable life in America and a good and happy future for my daughter.

This is my personal opinion about the topic “The JAGUAR”:
Similar to other racket sports like tennis 🎾 and badminton 🏸- it’s squash.
The game of squash was invented more than a century and a half ago in England. But this is the first time I heard about it.
Each game has its own style, rules and of course its own rhythm 🎶. The biggest obstacle is to overcome yourself and believe in yourself.
For example, my inspiration is a hobby, and I love knitting 🧶. Often, while knitting and thinking 🤔 many new ideas come to me that are completely unexpected for me.
Finally, I want to say my favorite 🤩 quote that I used to repeat to my sons when they were children:
“Only the one who walks can overcome this path” means – if you want to do it, you always can!
OR! – If you start to do something, you can find the path to finish it.

“Squash had a rhythm that matched my life.”
Squash requires quick reflexes, making the right quick decisions. It looks like the life of immigrants and their experience of quickly adapting to new environments but trying to stay focused on their main goal. Any kind of sport ( and also squash) has victories and mistakes like our life. This aspect of squash reflects our lives, too.
I’m inspired by people’s stories, their ability to overcome different difficulties and to find the strength to continue to fight. It says that even that even in the most difficult situations it is possible to find a way.
About children I think that if parents or siblings show that they are passionate about something (sports, activities, food) children can feel that it is exciting for them too. It is important to support them and tell them that mistakes are part of life.

Marisol’s story definitely inspired me. Despite all the obstacles (financial difficulties, undocumented status) she didn’t give up. She showed her persistence and discipline.
As for me, these kind of movies could inspire me as well as real stories where they can handle problems. Also, my family helps me to keep going to achieve my goal. I think, it’s quite hard to be inspired especially for someone who stops being impressed and believing in our world.
“I am looking for instinct” means that the coach needed someone who has a wild passion and desire to win in squash.
“Inside of you there is a jaguar” is the similar to the first expression, because a jaguar has an animal instinct and the coach finally found it in Marisol.
“You cannot teach the beast. It is either in you or it is not” means that some abilities and personal qualities are given to a person from their birth and they can’t be trained and maintained.
“The ball always comes back, and when it does, just make a different decision” means if it doesn’t work from the first try, you should change something and try again.
“If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it” is the similar to the previous expression however in squash it means if Marisol made a mistake in the game, she could learn from the mistake and try again. For example, change her position and tactics.

Squash is not as popular as mentioned in the film as many other sports such as soccer, football, basketball, tennis. However, squash is very similar to the last one (Tennis). In fact in both sports, players use a racket, and a ball., The clothing is similar as well. Playing squash you hit the ball with the racket to one of three space walls. The goal is to hit the ball to one of the three walls in the way that your opponent does not have the chance to hit the ball back to the wall. The movement in the players is very similar to the tennis players meaning that in the squash you need a lot your knees. Finally, squash more than Tennis, is a rich people’s sport.
I am not a big fan of these two sports (Tennis and Squash). However, I am always keen to learn new things. In this sense, I think I could learn. I would definitely watch. From what I have seen in the film, it is not a boring game to watch.
Dream Big
The road to success in a rich people’s sport (Squash) by a poor undocumented immigrant is paved with many obstacles. In the case of Marisol, the gymnasium was three hours away from her home. She has to wake up at 4:00 am, and for three hours she has to travel to be able to practice for one hour. Then she has to go back to school. Then she did not have the proper shoes to play with. She was a poor, undocumented immigrant who did not have a role model in her family regarding going to college. Nevertheless, she practiced to the best in her discipline to have the opportunity to join an Ivy league college. (That was not in the film but in the reading.) Although many of her applications to be a legal citizen were rejected, she kept applying and finally got approved, which was a happy ending.

This movie inspired me a lot! The reason why I feel very motivated is because when one has a dream at the beginning, it is not easy because it is the struggle with adaptation. That is why the motivation has to be very great to be able to reach the goal without it being a burden on our lives. When I started studying English in this program I felt very frustrated because I had no vocabulary and compared myself with other classmates; however I told myself that I was doing very well since working and studying at the same time is not easy. However it is not impossible.
My work schedules are at night on weekends and when I arrived on Monday my alarm changed. At first I didn’t adapt, however I stuck a paper on the wall of my room where it says this THIS IS THE YEAR THAT I HAVE TO SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH. My motivation is very great at this time and if it’s time to make sacrifices. I will make them because my dream of speaking English is too big so that doors of opportunities continue to open for me in this country.

There were enormous obstacles that Marisol overcame to get her big dream, such as:
1. Living in the poor family, not enough money to cover everything even including food, gasoline for car, racquet for squash etc.: She had to get up early at 4 am to take 3-hour bus going to school and after that coming to the courts for practicing squash.
She was always thinking that she must do more and more, practice more and try harder every day.
2. When she had an opportunity to compete in the squash competition on the East Coast, she could not cover the accommodations and had to sleep on the floor.
3. She was undocumented, so she could not travel outside to attend the bigger competition. By her great effort in achieving good results in the national tournaments, a lawyer could help her to get the green card. With her legal status, she could participate in the world squash competition as an American player.
Quotations from the coach:
• “Inside of you there is a jaguar.” : It means you have great strength like a jaguar. You are stronger than you thought to be. That makes Marisol more confident and believes in herself that she can do it.
• “I am looking for instinct.” : It means the coach will choose the right person who has commitment to invest in this sport.
• “The ball always comes back, and when it does, just make a different decision.” : It means the other chance always comes back, take it and do it the right way.
• “I come for darkness and lightness will appear.” : It means the good result will come to you at the end when you overcame so many difficulties.
• “If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it.” : It means do not be afraid of making a mistake. You will find a way to solve the problem.

Quotations from the coach:
“The ball always comes back, and when it does, just make a different decision.”
This expression shows us a way of thinking. Very useful for athletes, but not only them. It means that when you are playing a game, and something goes wrong, remember, first, a game does not end until it’s over; second, if you want a different result, you have to act differently, to make a different decision, to think in another way.
“If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it.”
In both squash and in real life as well (not always, but still) athletes or people make mistakes. And it’s very crucial to understand that a mistake or bad decision can be corrected.
“This is life. You don’t always get another shot.”
In real life, unlike a game, if you get a chance, don’t let it go away, because you might not get another one.
“I am looking for instinct.”
The coach seeks specific personality traits in a child (a future athlete). Typically, these include a drive to be first, leadership, persistence, a refusal to give up, excitement, and even a bit of anger or aggression (which can be guided properly). These are traits people are born with. That’s why the coach looks for instinct.
“Inside of you there is a jaguar.”
From the first sight, the coach saw in Marisol strength, speed, grace of a wild cat. He saw a predator. Predators always win.

I didn’t know about this sport before, I only heard its name. I learned that players play on one closed court, not against each other. Squash is similar to tennis, especially if you play tennis on a court with a wall, practicing your shots. I think I could learn this sport because I play tennis sometimes and I like it. I guess, it’s interesting to watch this sport, especially when strong players play.
Marisol’s life was full of enormous obstacles. She did not give up. She overcame them. Her parents could not take her to training and competitions. She did everything herself: she woke up at 3:30 in the morning and took the bus for 3 hours, then trained from 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning, then took the bus to school, then again to the court to train, and then returned home after such a long and stressful day. Not every adult can do that.
Interest in the future as in the game, you do not know what will happen next, the ability to not give up, such a quality of hers as a workaholic, and a good coach helped her to achieve success.

This story inspires me because it shows how important it is to work hard and never give up, even when life is difficult. Reyna Pacheco faced many challenges, like being undocumented and not having resources, but she kept pushing forward. It inspires me to believe in myself and my dreams. I try to inspire my friends and others by staying positive and helping them when they face challenges. I believe that supporting each other makes us stronger!!
Quotations from the coach:
1. “I am looking for instinct.” – This means that success comes from something deep inside you, like your natural ability or passion.
2. “Inside of you there is a jaguar.” – Everyone has strength and courage, even if they don’t realize it yet.
3. “You cannot teach the beast. It is either in you or it is not.” – Some qualities, like determination, come from within and can’t be learned.
4. “This is life. You don’t always get another shot.” – It’s important to take every opportunity seriously because you may not get a second chance.
5. “If you make a bad decision, there is always an opportunity to fix it.” – Even when you fail, you can learn and grow from your mistakes.