“How is your life?”

When his mother asked him, ‘How’s your life?’ he answered, ‘It’s fine.’ From my point of view, there are two reasons for this. First, he didn’t want to revisit the terrible past – the loneliness and the way he struggled not only to survive, but also to keep his family business afloat. Only he knows how many sacrifices he made. I also use the words ‘I am fine’ whenever I don’t want to think about things from the past that I can’t change. All I can do is focus on the present, find a way to survive, dream again, and make it happen.

Second maybe because he did not want to upset his mother since in his soul he was not fine. He may have been unhappy that he could not get a good education and study in a good college and become a neurosurgeon. He had a difficult childhood separated from his parents.

Generally speaking, we all have our own dreams, like Kunal Sah. Sometimes we can follow our dreams, but sometimes we can’t. In this movie, for example, even though he was eager to become a neurosurgeon, he couldn’t make it. However, in some way, he survived as a motel manager. This was his family business, and he became successful at it. So, what I want to say is “Keep going!!”

“I’m my own man now.”

‘I am my own man now’ means that he has become independent, self-reliant, and capable of making his own decisions and taking responsibility. In a way, he’s saying ‘I am a mature man.’ As we grow older, it’s important to become our own person. We need to take control of our own lives and decisions, because relying on others for everything is not healthy for us or for the people we depend on. To be our own person, we must try our best and work on improving the areas where we’re lacking. Actually, it’s easier said than done, but this is life and we have to accept it.

As for me, I am trying to prove that I am my own man.


To be left alone at the age of 12 in the care of an alcoholic uncle is a real test for the fragile body and psyche of a child.

The uncle did nothing but bully the boy and did not give Kunal any good upbringing. It is a great success that the boy did not spoil and didn’t fall into bad company. He worked in his motel, was a manager and did all the work he could.

When his mother asked him: “How is your life?”

He answers: “It’s fine.” Maybe because he did not want to upset his mother. Although, in his soul, he was not fine. He may have been unhappy that he could not get a good education and study in the good college and become a neurosurgeon. He had a difficult childhood separated from his parents.

“I’m my own man now.”

It means he grew up and became an independent adult man, he can run his own hotel business, his parents are nearby and he can take care of them.


“I’m my own man now.”

Kunal changed a lot after his separation from his parents. He wasn’t a child anymore. He created a new version of himself with everything he lived through. He didn’t care what others said about who he was. These were the cards he had to play.

For me, something liberating in the USA is learning to be my own man. In Latin culture, it’s normal for others to have an opinion about your life, and a lot of people are used to living for appearances: your clothes, your cellphone, your job, your friends. But deep down, it’s because they want to fit into society. You do this without even being aware of it. Here, however, I’m in the process of building my own version of who I truly want to be.


I’m fine. . .

I think he said “I’m fine” because it was easier for him to avoid the question. In some situations, we aren’t ready to have a hard conversation. It was evident that he wasn’t fine. He lost his childhood, his dreams, his family, and his life for more than ten years.

For me, this answer is like an easy pass to continue with the conversation. Maybe I don’t want to talk about my life with that person, or it’s not the appropriate place, or I’m not ready to open up about my feelings. For a long time, society has pushed the idea that when you show vulnerability or talk about your feelings, it’s synonymous with being weak.

But fortunately, now it’s more common to open your heart and receive help.


Life with his abusive uncle

Indeed, Kabir’s uncle turned out to be abusive, unreliable and rude. In fact, his phrase “between jobs anyway now” can tell something about him. It’s the way of thinking not about the career, but only thinking about primitive jobs and easily changing them, most probably not by his own intention. No surprise that the uncle is not a very positive or polite person, who does not encourage Kabir. Instead of supporting his nephew’s dream about Trans Am, the uncle diminishes it. At first, the uncle was refusing either to accompany Kabir to the Spelling Bee contest or just to tell the teacher that he accompanied the boy.

Unfortunately, there were not many things Kabir might have done in these circumstances. Taking into account that he was an adolescent, he could not just kick his uncle away. What Kabir could do is to ignore the uncle and to act in the way that seemed correct to him.

As per my experience, it was useless to prohibit me from doing anything. I will always try to find a way to get what I need or to do what I want.

I’m fine. . .

At the end of the video Kabir answers “It is fine” to the question about his life. For sure it is not true. But what he is supposed to answer? “My life is ruined?” “My life was a mess?” It is neither his nor his parent’s fault that so many difficulties appeared in their lives. On the other hand, at least the family is reunited. Many people may never reunite with their families.

My personal expression in similar cases is: “It’s worse than whatever, but better than nothing.”
As for me – no matter what happens, only my mood matters. If I’m in a good mood I prefer to say “I’m doing great” when I’m in a bad mood I’d rather say “I’m okay,” but none of these options truly correspond to what actually happens with me.


An ivy league college. . .

Kunal wants to go to an Ivy League college and then become a neurosurgeon. If I were in that situation, I would need to stay focused on my goal and determined to achieve it, even though I know it wouldn’t be easy. Kunal was very strong in this regard.

Yes, I’ve been in a little similar situation. I wanted to study hotels and restaurants, but people told me it wasn’t a good job or it didn’t have good prospects for the future. They convinced me to study midwifery or nursing instead. I eventually chose midwifery, and I enjoyed learning about it. However, I realized something was missing. In the end, I went back to study what I truly wanted, and now I feel confident and fulfilled. And now I like both of them.

“I’m my own man now.”

I am my own man now. For me, it means having to do everything by yourself and not waiting for help from others, no matter what happens in your life. Everyone has their own problems and must find solutions, whether people help you or not – it’s YOUR responsibility. It’s important to be your own man because you need to adapt and overcome challenges on your own terms, know how to make decisions, and live by your values and beliefs, which helps you grow stronger and wiser. Yes, I’m my own person. I’m the head of the family, and I take care of everything home, children, and work.


Reasons why Kunal’s uncle made him miserable

When I read the story, I came to the conclusion that Kunal’s uncle was an envious person. Kunal had goals, and he was going towards them. Kunal’s uncle was a loser, probably he also had some goals, but he couldn’t reach them. That’s why he demotivated Kunal. I can’t remember whether I had similar situations or not, but I can say I’m always trying to get away from such people.


I’m fine. . .

When Kabir answered, “It’s fine” he didn’t want to complain about his life as he wasn’t little anymore. He also didn’t want to make his mother sad. He understood she had to part with him and leave him in the United States, because the education in the United States was much better than India. Besides that, there are more opportunities for him in the United States in the future. Also, his parents didn’t expect to stay in India for such a long time.


I’m fine. . .

When people say, “I’m fine,” it often means they’re not actually fine. Sometimes, I use this phrase when it feels too complicated to describe how I truly feel or when I’m mildly uncomfortable but don’t see another option.

For example, if friends can’t attend a gathering we planned or show up much later than expected due to unforeseen reasons, I’ll say, “I’m fine” to express understanding. However, deep down, I still feel a bit uncomfortable at the moment.

“I’m my own man now.”

He means that he has become completely independent and is no longer the helpless boy he once was. Mental and financial independence are the most important aspects of becoming an adult.

I’ve always been my own person, making my own decisions and taking full responsibility for my life. Since starting college and living far from my parents, I’ve learned to handle many things on my own.


I’m fine. . .

He said “fine” because his life really became fine, now. He was honest with his feelings. His parents returned to the USA, it was fine. In general he is young, he has a family, motel, good health. I don’t know about his dreams. Was this goal really his or not? I think, he can do all that he wants, even become surgeon.

In my case, first, I use it because I learned by heart this sentence from my 10 years old – I’m fine, thanks, and you?? My English teacher was very strict and angry, and she scared us every lesson. 😂

Second, I use “fine” when I don’t want to tell someone about myself and my feelings.

People answer this way because in America, it is not acceptable to share problems with non-close friends.

“I’m my own man now.”

It means that he is independent, responsible for oneself. To be my own man is very important for everyone. To be responsible for your life, your choice, your education, job, marriage, money and etc. I’m my own person from childhood. I separated from my parents when I was 17 years old. I chose my future education, city, university and other things.


Separation from your family

On September 18th, I made the decision to move to the United States. Personally, it was a very big change because I had lived with my grandmother all my life and I had adapted to her lifestyle. She was very strict with me in every way, even controlling my way of dressing.

After I emigrated, I had to live with my mother and my entire maternal family. My maternal family was very young and their way of seeing life was very different, since in this day and age, while you work, it is easier to please yourself with different tastes.

I cried a lot because I was not used to working, mixing with other cultures, and above all, I had a lot of frustration with the language. As the years went by, I realized that every effort and sacrifice was necessary because the situation in Venezuela was very difficult economically speaking. However, since I have been here, I have not stopped helping my grandmother. My heart’s desire is to see her again, and I know that it will be very soon.


“It’s fine.”

I think that Kabir answered “It’s fine” to his mother to calm down her and save her feelings about what she probably making mistakes. However, he wasn’t really fine. During his parents’ absence, he had to hide his desires and forget about his goals, because in the first place came business interests and Kabir’s surviving. Although he got a huge experience in leading motel business, he lost his childhood. I suppose, his goals of college and becoming a neurosurgeon could be his goals in the beginning, but later he changed his mind and stopped thinking about what he wanted.

The phrase “I’m fine” can be considered from two sides. The first meaning is a regular positive answer when somebody is really fine. The second is trying to hide feelings when a person doesn’t want to share them and show his current mood. In this case people often use both “I’m fine” and “Whatever”.

“I’m my own man now.”

Kunal’s expression “I’m my own man now” means finally he belongs to himself and able to do what he wants, because previous 10 years he fulfilled the obligations that parents put on his shoulders. In my opinion, it’s very important to be your own man, because people have their own ambitions and desires, which are necessary to achieve. It’s human nature to try to get what they need for creating a healthy personality. However, when the main question is where to get money, you don’t think about your dreams and ambitions. First, you have to survive.

As for me, I’m my own person as well. For my entire life my mom has provided me with all the conditions for my studying and social living, and I so appreciate her very much. That’s why I had possibilities to learn what I wanted, connect with somebody I wanted and didn’t worry about adult issues.


“You can’t be a doctor. . .”

If I was in that situation I would have said to that persone he was wrong and l will do all my best for being that doctor and prove him that he was wrong. Fortunately, nobody did somthing like that to me – maybe, because I have always been with my parents all my life before I came here, and they always encouraged me and never judge me.

He said that because he didn’t want to make his parents uncomfortable than they was already.He was not fine at all but now that his parents are there the situation will be better . Sometime we use “I’m fine “ when it’s not totally that but when we breathe and physically feel good that can be enough for say” I’m fine”.
Becoming a neurosurgeon was his goal even if unfortunately he didn’t achieve it.

People use it so often for don’t have to explain themselves about they real feelings .in general that doesn’t matter to tell your real feelings at some of people because even if they want to help you they can’t do nothing about it.

“I’m fine” means everything is going to be all right.


I’m fine. . .

Kunal said “I’m fine,” because it difficult to explain by a few sentences how difficult and hard was his live during more than 10 years. This is would takes too much time. I think he was honest. That period made his spirit but may be like emptied his soul for a while. His goal to becoming a neurosurgeon was real but not everything depended on his desire and hard work.

The meaning my words “I’m fine” depends on who is the person I answer. If it’s someone I know well or a relative, then I can be frank. In another case, I’ll just thank and smile. Why do strangers need to кnow my problems? I guess many people do the same.

Kunal writes “I’m my own man now” because having come such a log hard way, he became independent and he can decide all problems himself. I also can say “I’m my own person,” because I’ve always relied only on myself. I also had my own business and raised two children without the help of my parents or anyone else. Of course, I made mistakes but that’s live! Now I know I did a lot of things on my own and it was right.


I’m fine. . .

The words he used and the way he did it show a deep pain related to all those things that they couldn’t share in the last 10 years. And the feeling there is that they never were able to recover that. “I’m fine” are the words that in this case means disappointment. In that precise moment his father adds “it’s better now” where ‘now’ is exactly the edge between the future and of past in that precise moment: it’s the new beginning. But the beginning will not be able to fix what was missed.

A lot of things were missed, their own stories, sharing the big and littles moments, taking time together, his dream about becoming a neurosurgeon, being able to build a deep relationship (it is striking that he didn’t know that his father had diabetes, which makes me think that they did not have constant and/or deep communication.)

In short, “I’m fine” means “I’m not but I will be.”

“Being your own person”

Being your own person involves becoming yourself and facing your problems and circumstances on your own. That was what he learned being alone for more than 10 years.

On the one hand, it is very important because it allows you to face your own world and almost everything in it, but on the other hand, there is the path within you to become your own person. There is always a cost, and, in this case, life forged him with distance and loneliness.


Kunal Sah wanted to go to an Ivy League college and then become a neurosurgeon. That was his goal. But his uncle told him that he could not become a doctor. I don’t know what I would have done in such a situation, but as a child, whenever I was forbidden to do something, I would be stubborn and would want to do the opposite.

When I was in dance school, as a teenager, the classes would end late and my mom and dad would meet me at the tram stop every day. My dad would wake up very early for work and it was difficult for him to meet me every evening.

So on the way home, he would often tell me, “What is the point of this dancing! You should quit!” But I had such a passion for dancing that I resisted such talks and when I returned home, I would sometimes argue with him, sometimes explain to him how important it was for me and could they tolerate it.

And my beloved parents tolerated these moments and I am very grateful to them for that.

During the long separation, Kunal and his parents had become strangers to each other. So when his mother asked him, “How is your life?” He answers, “It’s fine”. A general, vague answer for strangers.

In his teenage years, when he needed his parents’ love and support, they were not there. He went through this period on his own, overcoming obstacles, managing his parents’ business and failing to get closer to his goal.


I’m fine. . .

Kabir said, “It’s fine” because he wanted to hide his true feelings. He might not have wanted to worry his mother or admit that he was struggling with his goals. When people say “I’m fine,” they often don’t really mean it. It can mean that they don’t want to talk about their feelings or that they don’t know how to express them.

For me, when I say “I’m fine,” it sometimes means that I don’t want to share my problems. I think people use this phrase because it’s easier than explaining how they really feel. It can be hard to admit when things aren’t going well, especially to someone you care about.

“I’m my own man now.”

When Kunal says, “I’m my own man now,” he means that he has become independent and has learned to make his own decisions. Despite the challenges in his life, he took control and grew stronger. He is no longer defined by what others say or expect of him.

For me, being my own person means staying true to my values and making decisions not just for my own benefit, but also thinking about others. I believe that helping people and supporting those around me is important. Independence doesn’t mean ignoring others; it means being strong enough to help, care for, and understand the needs of people around you. Being your own person is about balancing your personal goals with kindness and compassion for others.


“I’m my own man now.”

This means not to depend on someone’s opinion, to act according to your own will and desires.

On the one hand, the ability to be independent is important for developing personal freedom and solving life’s problems. It also affects emotional stability.

On the other hand, isolation can lead to loneliness. It is important for a person to find a balance between independence and the ability to build relationships with other people.


“I’m my own man now.”

Being your own man. It means independence, ability to make decisions, able to solve problems on their own, no longer dependent on others for making financial decisions, fl or others.
I consider myself an independent person, because I have already learned to solve my problems and the problems of my family long ago. My family is financially independent. And I am responsible for my actions and all decisions myself.

I’m fine. . .

If someone says “It’s fine,” it could mean that everything is Ok but not particularly great. But often this is a way to avoid deeper conversations about their feelings. People may say “everything is fine” even when they are actually going through some problems, feeling lonely. This may be due to a desire not to bother others or not to show weakness. However, there are also cases when a person truly feels fine and says so.

Sometimes, it takes more time or trust for a person to open up and talk about their true feelings.


“It’s fine” or “I am fine” don’t mean “Everything is good” – usually it means the things (life, health, mood) are just normal enough to live (or rather “to exist”). Kabir’s life has not been easy or full of happiness since his parents left. His life could be different if his parents would make a decision to take him and not leave him. There is no such a price for leaving their child (only one son) alone. And there is no forgiveness for that. They left him for what? For not seeing how he is growing, for not giving him protection, care, love and so on?

I think this story makes me so emotional, because I don’t understand how it is possible. And maybe the reason is a difference of cultures, but I am not sure.

I didn’t like this episode of Little America, I feel so much pain and fear.


When Kunal’s parents were leaving they left him with his uncle who was supposed to take care of him. Unlike his parents, his uncle was abusive and not encouraging at all. He was telling him that he will not be able to reach his goal to become a neurosurgeon, that the US do not care about him. I kind of have been in this situation and I do not listen to anyone who tries to discourage me. When I have my goal I try my best to be focus on it and do not entertain negative comment, usually I just smile and tell myself that I will prove him or her that I can do it. Even when I got here some people told me I will be able to make the way I wanted I will have to follow the path they are showing me. I have not reach my goal yet but I keep fighting everyday to reach it and not that I want to show myself but I would like to prove that they were wrong.

I’m fine. . .

Kabir has never been fine since his parents left for India. He is pretending to be fine but he is never the same when his parents were with him and when they left and they return. As someone said during the class, he lost his childhood, something he can not never have again. Also as mentioned in the text, the only conversation he could have with his parents was about work. His response “It’s fine” is a short answer to avoid to talk about the topic. Likewise, I respond that way most of time to avoid the topic. it’s a way to tell the person I do not want to talk about it or I have nothing to say about it.