
Farhad mentioned that problems seem to disappear when he flies high above the world while paragliding. As far as I understand, it depends on how we approach a problem to solve it. Whenever I have a problem, I always think of three options:

1. Am I going to run away?

2. Am I going to neglect the problem?

3. Am I going to face it and find a solution?

There have been times when I ran away, neglected the problem, and faced it. In my opinion, it is better to face and find a solution whenever possible. However, if someone asked me what the best option is, I would say it depends on the situation, because we need to understand the consequences of either running away from the problem or facing it. Some problems are better solved than avoided. But beware, too much emotion can lead to mistakes in solving problems. Although we always learn from our mistakes, it’s best if we understand the consequences beforehand.

the importance of home

In our culture, home means a lot. Home means family. It’s where we share breakfast together, say goodbye, and wish each other a wonderful day before we go to work. It’s where we meet again at night after work to enjoy dinner together. At the dinner table, we talk about our day at work or school, and we listen to and share each other’s feelings. On weekends, we go to a nearby bazaar for a delicious meal. Sometimes we go to the supermarket to get snacks, food, drinks, and everything we need. On some weekend nights, we go to the cinema to watch the latest releases.

In this movie, we see that Farhad did everything he could for his family. First, he left his country, selling all his properties and giving up his work, just to support his son and be together. Second, he tried to build a big house for his family in the U.S because he didn’t want his son to leave them before getting married.

In our country, parents and children live together until the children get married. Some families continue to live together in the same house even after their children get married. Our culture is very different from Western culture. Most families love to live together and take care of the parents as long as they can. Yes, this is what “home” means in our culture.


dealing with problems

I think that paragliding may really help someone to forget about the problems for a while. While you are paragliding, first you need to concentrate on what you are doing, not to make a mistake, as any mistake can be dangerous or even fatal. This, of course, switches your mind and you have no time to think about the problems while you are in the air. In addition, the adrenalin, flowing through your veins will make you forget about the difficulties.

This is quite similar to motorcycle riding. It was the way I could take myself from the problems of the rough reality. When you are on a freeway and your speed is more than one hundred miles per hour, you just have no time to think about the problems, as you must stay focused on your ride.

I would not say that paragliding is very appealing to me. I’d rather prefer simple parachuting, when for some time you feel nothing but a free fall. This just erases your memory.

the importance of home

Indeed, the importance of your own home was one of the main storylines of the video. I would say Farhad was stuck with the idea of building a home for his family. I think that all the people can be divided into two opposite groups. One group is “the Nomads.” The other is “the Domiciles.” For those who got used to living in their own house, it may be extremely difficult to admit and accept that the place you live now is not yours. It may be even a main goal in some cultures to have, or even to build your own house.

Even in my native country there is a proverb saying “My house is my fortress.”

In my life, having a large house is quite important, even though my family is not large at all. But still, we need to have a bedroom, a living room, an office, a dining room next to the kitchen, a guest room, and maybe a spare room for fitness machines, music studio, etc. Speaking not only about myself, I can guess that in my country the importance of your OWN house is emphasized by the fact that for almost a century, the people were not allowed to have their own property. Therefore, as soon I they got that permission, everyone did the utmost to have their OWN residence.

And just in case… just for fun…

Though the rock seems to be hard
We will blow it up apart
Stone by stone we’ll make it smaller
And the rest will move a hauler

Having done the clearing stage
We’ll go further, turn the page
At first, make a house plan
I believe in you. You can.

Many problems may arise
It’s a blessing in disguise
But one day, I swear
My own house will be there.


dealing with problems

In the story, Farhad has found a great hobby to handle stress – paragliding. It’s seems to me that he enjoyed the feeling of freedom when he was flying high. People need to engage in something and do what they really enjoy apart from a job and daily obligations to feel alive and get serotonin hormones.

My way to get away from problems includes various things: eating delicious food, watching favorite TV shows and movies, and playing video games. Also, a year ago, I started going to the gym to relieve my anxiety and calm my nerves. So, I was surprised that lifting weights and building muscle mass could bring me great satisfaction. I have never felt so good. Fortunately this hobby became a significant part of my life as my basic habit and I hope it will stay like that.



My mom has a tendency to want to control every situation. She is a bit stubborn. I have lived alone since I was 17, but even as I approached 30, she wanted to make decisions about my finances, future plans, and even the furniture or decor in my apartment when she visited.

Fortunately, she eventually understood that I am an adult, and we had to have many conversations about boundaries, preferences, and tastes. My father helped me a lot because he has a different perspective on life and values the freedom to make decisions, even if it means learning through mistakes.

the importance of home

Farhad has a driven personality; once he sets his mind on something, everything about him revolves around it. He is determined to face all problems and rise above them. He moved to the USA when his son wanted to go to college. He transformed ideas into actions to earn money, bought a house because he decided to keep his family together, and finally, he invested all his money and effort into removing the rocks from his land for his dream home. Everything he did was with the sole purpose of ensuring his family stayed together.

For me, home is more about people than places. I left my family and moved to another city when I was 17 because I started college. At that moment, home was wherever I was, as long as I was connected with my close family. Over the years, I’ve learned to build strong relationships with them. Now, living in another country and married, I’m redefining the meaning of home. My husband and I, with different cultures, backgrounds, and ways of doing things, believe that the foundations of home are love, communication, respect, and a lot of patience. We are creating a safe and committed space where, when children come, they will feel comfortable being who they want to be.

In Latin American culture, the mother plays a big role in the home, because it is common for the mother to be responsible for everything—finances, education, health, etc. For this reason, we often find underprotected mothers, a situation known as matriarchy. Additionally, there are cases where adult sons, even with their own families, continue to live in their parents’ house and depend on them financially. These situations often lead parents to want to control the decisions of their sons and daughters, even when they are married or living elsewhere.


dealing with problems

Farhad escapes his problems by flying high above the world, where everything seems smaller and easier to manage. For me, I deal with challenges differently. I was born in Buryatia, where Buryat-Mongolian traditions teach us the importance of patience, reflection, and balance. These values have always helped me face life’s challenges.

Now, living in a new country, I find comfort in simple things like walking in the park or working on creative projects, such as photography and videos. These moments help me clear my mind and focus on solutions. I reflect on my challenges step by step, drawing strength from the traditions and lessons of my culture.

the importance of home

In Farhad’s story, a house is more than just a place to live – it’s a symbol of family, stability, and belonging. I respect and understand his dedication to building a home that reflects his values and supports his loved ones.

For me, growing up in a Buryat-Mongolian culture, home was always about connection and shared traditions. It was a place where family came together, where meals and stories were shared, and where we felt a sense of unity. Now that I live far from my homeland, I’ve realized that home is not only a physical place. It’s something you carry with you through the values and relationships that define who you are. Wherever life takes me, I try to build a sense of home by staying true to these principles.


the importance of home

The “HOME” concept has changed over time. Each culture has changed in some way and has adapted from generation to generation. It means that Home does not always mean the same and not for everybody it generates the same feelings. I think that for immigrants this has a special significance.

But anyway, “home” is that place where we want to come back. Some can do that every day, others every 1, 2 or 3 years and others never. There are different circumstances: life flows with us in it.

Most people associate home and family. Most of the time, that place where we want to come back contains our family. But what is family?

Whatever your answer, that is your home.

Part 2 of Farhad’s life

After he decided to try to build his house on another land, he found what he thought was the perfect place for his house. The first thing that he looked at was if there was any rock in sight. He saw that it wasn’t and bought it.

But the real problem was not in sight. When the builder first started to excavate there, he realized that under the grass there was a layer of water -a real river, said the builder.

The first thing he thought about was bringing all the rocks from the other land. He was desperate. So, he called his son for help, and they began to carry all the rocks. Three days later, the mission was impossible, terrible, and untenable. There was no more money; he had given everything for his dream. He felt naked and vulnerable.

At that moment, his son walked through the door, bringing stuff from his drum set and when he saw his father so depressed, suddenly and without thinking he said – we have a gig tonight and we need a tambourine. There was a long silence, and more silence but after a while Farhad said – “I will do it.”

That night was the first night of a long musical career. They changed the name of the band and called it “THE ROCK”



dealing with problems

Sometimes I think about all the problems that surround me. If I could fly to Mars and my problems would stay here, I would do that. But it’s impossible yet. Therefore, If I have time, I take a break to collect my thoughts, it can be video games or movies or something else. Then I’m trying to resolve the problems myself or with my spouse’s help, because I can’t run away from problems as much as I would like to.

As for paragliding, my spouse likes such things. I do not. I’m afraid of heights!!

the importance of home

Since 21 I have been living as a nomad, traveling from one city to another and even switching the countries. Finally, I met my spouse, and we managed to build our own house. We put a lot of effort in the process of building and decorating it. We loved our house so much but still we had to leave it. We didn’t have any intention to leave it, but we had to.

Now I feel like a nomad again and I’m sick and tired of it. Therefore, I have a strong desire to build a new house and hope that it will be for the last time.


the importance of home

All my life, before my immigration, a house had a big meaning!

At first, I dreamed to buy own apartment in Moscow. Then I dreamed to buy a very spacious apartment. Most of my wishes were concentrated on this goal. I was happy when I did it. I didn’t have a landlord, I had registration, I felt more confident and I had more benefits like extended medical insurance. I was happy.

I still pay the mortgage. I don’t know if I’ll ever return to Moscow, but I hope, that I will pay the mortgage and my daughter will become the owner. It’s important for me leave the house as an inheritance for my daughter. It’s my duty.


dealing with problems

For me, when I have problems, I like to go for a walk in nature—flowers 🌸, trees 🌳, good weather 🌞—or go to the beach 🏝️ to look at the vastness of the sea 🌊 and lose myself in its immensity. If the conditions don’t allow it, I lose myself in my thoughts, imagining that beautiful scenery. It does me a lot of good and helps me avoid stress while waiting to find a solution to the problem. Since skydiving from a plane is already on my bucket list, paragliding would be another interesting activity that I would gladly add to it 😊.

the importance of home

A place where everyone feels good, where family and close friends gather, where one person’s problem becomes everyone’s problem. A place where we stand together, facing all challenges, through thick and thin. A place where love is present, where we share laughter and tears, and no matter which part of the world you are in, you always want to come back and be with your loved ones. This is how I would describe home in my culture.


dealing with problems

Problems are part of human life regardless of social class, race, etc. Solving or trying to escape from them for a moment is also part of human nature. People have different ways of escaping from their problems.

I do not have a way to get away from my problems. Most of the time, I either talk to my parents or write down the problems. Do I get away from them? I am not sure or maybe for a short time, I like to face them and do my best to solve them, or at least break them down into small pieces and try to solve them one at the same time.

In his story, FARHAD paraglides! Speaking of which, it is practiced at a high altitude, and I have acrophobia (an irrational fear of heights.). However, I have read in a different story that you can work to overcome your phobias. Therefore, I believe if I can overcome this phobia, I will be able to explore many of these sports or hobbies.

From the webmaster: 6 phobias are identified in the image above. Here they are, with 6 others: Arachnophobia, Ophidiophobia, Acrophobia, Aerophobia, Cynophobia, Astraphobia, Trypanophobia, Social phobia, Agoraphobia, Mysophobia
If you can define all 12 [look ’em up!], you certainly deserve a special treat. . . . Maybe, one of your classmates will bake something between now and next week!


the importance of home

Having your home as in many cultures it’s very important in my culture. I remember reading a survey where they were asking people what success means to them and what is a sign of a successful person in society. Everyone, regardless of their social status, responds that having your home is the biggest success. That’s how people measure success, having a home!

This means that you can be rich, and have many cars, animals, and so on, but if you are renting, people do not consider you a successful person. Plus one of the measures to have a high position in society is owning your home better if you have properties for renting. Therefore, when people start having a business or working for the government, they take a loan to buy real estate. Then they will contract another loan to build their house.

Coming from this society and growing up there, having a home is very important for me as well. I plan to have one in the US and one in my country.



When my son was a teenager, it was a difficult time because we both stopped understanding and hearing each other. During this period, I gave birth to a daughter and my attention switched to her, which was probably good for my son because I stopped controlling him. This helped me understand that this is his life and he should live the way he wants. For me, the most important thing in our relationship with my son has always been and remains love, respect and support.

dealing with problems

It is very important for Farhad to build a large HOME for his family. And he is trying his best to clear the area for the construction of a new house.

My home or my parents’ home has always been important to me because all my loved ones would gather there and spend time together. After the war started, when my city was bombed, I felt with every part of my soul and body that the people who were next to me were my treasures. And all material things had no meaning. Houses, cars and the like became meaningless.

Today, home as a place to live is important, but not the main one, although I love comfort and beauty. Only the concept of home – as my beloved people – has the highest value. People and nature are the most important things on planet Earth!